We’re Getnoticed, a team of 40 online recruitment specialists, all super committed to what we do. We’d like to discuss your needs so we can build you a winning working-at website and plan your online recruitment marketing campaigns.
Getnoticed has been operating as a digital recruitment agency in the Netherlands for more than 10 years. People often ask us what this involves. It’s very simple. As online recruitment specialists all super committed to what we do, we help our clients increase their reach and conversion. Our online recruitment marketers identify, attract and engage your target candidates. Our website developers create the ultimate ‘work for us’ or recruitment website so your target candidates can apply. This has been our area of expertise since 2009.
Our roots are in the south. In the countryside. So it’s in our nature to be good natured. ‘Agreeable’, as they say in Amsterdam. We’re not cocky and you won’t hear us bleating on about corporate concerns. We’re too down to earth for that. Results speak for themselves. That’s our responsibility. We keep ploughing away at it until your ‘work for us’, recruitment or jobs website harvests the required conversion. Sometimes finding the perfect candidate can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Our online marketers know exactly where to find thinly spread talent and how to reach the people you need. Every day we sift through the internet with great curiosity. If there are new developments, we’re quick to pick up on them. We spend a lot of time on innovation. So we and our clients are always ahead of the curve. We believe in teamwork and build long-term relationships that are fruitful for both parties.
Getnoticed - Harvest your talent.
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The only online recruitment shop. For recruitment training, services, tools, books, tickets for events and much more.
The book every recruitment professional should have on their nightstand. Written by none other than our own Getnoticed managing director Arjan Elbers.